Henry Harvey |
Henry graduated from Franklin and
Marshall College where he majored in philosophy. Henry was accepted
pre-law at Columbia. Then, because of the Vietnam lottery (unlucky
#17), he instead flew jet fighters in the US Air Force. Henry was
also a launch officer for the Titan II missiles in Tucson, Arizona,
as well as TEMPEST officer (electronic debugging) in the Pacific
Theater. Henry has invented/patented many devices outside the world
of sculpting, including Omega Shock, a new approach to bicycle
suspensions, Dragon Chess, a variation of regular chess, Dragon
Teeth, an improved wall hanger, Aardvark, an improved snow shovel,
and a new board game called Da Vinci. Henry has written several
novels, has won an award for his screenplay of Potter’s Mill, and
has published a number of short stories. One of his novels
(Potter’s Mill) has been optioned for a movie in Hollywood.